Introduction to Omkara

Your Instructor

Sadguru Prabhuji
Sadguru Prabhuji

Sadguru Narashima Prabhu fondly addressed as Prabhuji is a living exponent of Santana Dharma and Enlightenment. He has been conducting Omkara Meditation Satsangs and Chakra Classes from past 10 to 12 years initiating (Deeksha), guiding, and bringing transformation in spiritual aspirants on the path of enlightenment. He is the founder of Atmajyothi Satsang (1996) or Light of the Self Foundation (2013), a non-profit organization dedicated to spread the teachings of Santana Dharma, which has provided a common platform for various voluntary service activities as part of Pancha Yagna, like Omkar Dhyana satsangs, Chakra Classes, Gita Teaching, Gita Chanting, helping orphanages, distributing books to libraries, printing and spreading spiritual teachings online and offline. His teachings are mainly based on Adwaita or non-duality, Awareness of true nature of Self as ‘I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not the intellect, I am the pure Witness Consciousness awareness’. With a clear understanding of all systems of Yoga and Vedanta, his teachings are based on a firm foundation of both dhyana (meditation) and Jnana (wisdom) as the two wings of bird for spiritual sadhakas.

His spiritual sadana started at the age of 10 as intense hatha yoga practice for 14 years, with Kundalini pranyama, Gayatri dhyana, Omkar and Third eye meditation with life based on karma yoga and with strong vedantic base, guided by various spiritual gurus like, Puttur Ajja, Appaji of Kumta, and by the grace of Mata Amritaanadamayi. Today as a realized master of modern age and upholding the ancient guru parampara tradition he has given commentaries on major 10 Upanishads with hundreds of talks on various spiritual topics. His book “Miracle of Witness Consciousness”, is based on Shiva Sutras. In spite of his busy corporate life, with purely a service attitude he has been transferring wisdom and energy (Shakti), guiding the people who come to him in whatever ways possible. People often invite him to conduct Omkar Meditation satsang give talks on various festivals and other spiritual topics. In an humble attempt to bring the ‘wisdom of sages to modern ages’, as a realized master with his 3G vision, ‘Gar Gar Gurukul’ Prabhuji has been ‘Lighting the Lamp of wisdom in every heart and home’.

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