5. Supreme name of God

Supreme Name of God

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Let us continue the contemplation of Omkara based on Mandukya Upanishad.

Let us take up the first shloka of Mandukya Upanishad.

Mandukya Upanishad shloka says, ‘Omkara the mantra, is all this is there, let us contemplate on Omkara’. This starts with the word ‘aksharam’, ‘Omkaram iti ekaksharam….’

‘Ksharam’ means ‘perishable’, ‘aksharam’ means 'imperishable'. 'Omkara' represents the imperishable. Omkar is the highest name of the divine.

Sri Guru Nanakji was mediating one day and he went to the deep state of Samadhi, for three days he was in Samadhi, and when he came out of Samadhi, the first word which came from his mouth is, ‘ek satnam Omkar’, ‘ek satnam Omkar’, ‘ek satnam Omkar’. These are the first words which came from the mouth of the realised person, Sri Guru Nanak.

There are many names for Gods, in many languages, in many religions. Omkara is a very special name, it represents or points out to the divinity in a very special way. The divine is ‘akshara’ means ‘imperishable’, ‘eternal’. Through the sound of Omkara we are representing the imperishable or eternal, how is that so?

The reality is a spectrum, the God what we call, manifests in various dimensions, at the highest dimension is the supreme reality or pure consciousness. Pure consciousness manifests as energy, consciousness in motion, and energy manifests as matter and living and nonliving beings. From ‘consciousness to energy to matter to living to non-living beings’ it represents the complete spectrum of the supreme reality or consciousness or God.

Omkara represents the entire spectrum, from ‘consciousness-energy-matter (material nature)-living-non-living beings’ it represents the complete spectrum of the consciousness or supreme reality. That is why Omkara is the complete and total and supreme name of God.

Let us understand how is that possible?

Omkara has sound and silence. When you chant Om…..! Om is sound and the silence. The silence represents the supreme consciousness and the sound represents the creation or manifestation.

The fundamental aspect of creation is energy, the scientist today say the matter is nothing but atoms and molecules, and atoms are nothing but energy that is what Einstein’s represented through the equation E=MC2.

The Upanishads tell us the same thing but in a different way, ‘Consciousness is the supreme reality, from consciousness the energy came and from energy the matter came and living and nonliving beings came’.

Silence represents Consciousness and the sound represents creation.

(Silence represents the unmanifest and sound represents the manifest)

How does, the sound represent creation?

Anything in the creation is a vibration, because everything in creation is matter and matter is energy and energy is vibration. Omkara represents the vibration of the existence. And all that is, what you see and what you experience has come from Omkara, ‘the vibration’. So, Omkara represents the Shakti, the energy and energy has become matter, so Omkara represent the creation. So all forms and creatures are represented by Omkara.

Omkara has three sound, these sounds are ‘A’ kara, ‘U’ kara and ‘M’ kara. These sounds are very special in nature. When you chant ‘A’ kara, ‘U’ kara and ‘M’ kara, the tongue is not used, for any other sound production, the tongue is used to mix the air. ‘A’ kara, ‘U’ kara and ‘M’ kara, forms the fundamental sound producing mechanism. Which means any sound which is produced is a combination of A’ kara, ‘U’ kara and ‘M’ kara.

You can visualise a modern day HD television set, has millions of colours. But do you know that all the colours came from the three basic colours, Red, Green and blue, everything else is a mixture of these. When it is transmitted from the television station it is Red, Green Blue and various combinations of colours are produced on the screen. Similarly A’ kara, ‘U’ kara and ‘M’ kara is the fundamental vibration of the universe, which is transmitted from consciousness. And mixture of those at various combinations create all forms and different sounds.

What is creation, please tell me? Creation is nothing but a name and form. ‘That’s a wall, this is a table, that’s a fan’, the form is given a name and the form is represented by energy, the name is represented by sound. Omkara represents the name and form. Which means Omkar represents creation in totality, every aspect of creation.

And the silent aspect of creation, which is beyond our senses is represented by the soundless aspect of Omkara. Please tell me which name of God represents this entire creation beautifully as Omkara. Omkara is ultimate representation of the supreme reality. In a deepest mediation when your mind becomes deeply silent you will experience the waves and waves of energy, and Omkara. That is what Guru Nanakji experienced and said ‘Ek Satnam Omkar’.

Let me chant the first shloka of Mandukya Upanishad.

‘aum ity etad akṣaram idam sarvam, tasyopavyākhyānam’

‘OM! This Imperishable Word is the whole of this visible universe. Its explanation is as follows’

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