6. Time & Timeless

Omkara - Time and Timeless

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Let us continue the contemplation of Omkara Dhyana based on Mandukya Upanishad.

What was there in the past, what is there in the present and what will be in the future, all is there in Omkara. In addition, what is beyond all this three times is also Omkara.

The creation consists of time and space Time and space is creation. Time keeps on flowing from past to present to future. And there is a space. All creation happens in these two dimensions, time and space. As we know all planets, galaxies, Sun moon all was created after Big-bang. Then life came into earth, fish, amphibians, to plants to tress and various animals and humans. And among human, lot of kings, kingdoms, wars …. Everything is going on. From past to present to future. What we call matter gets created sustained and destroyed, this is a continues process. Everything in the matter as we discussed earlier is nothing energy Omkara, waves of energy vibration. So Omkara represents whatever is there in the past, whatever is there in the present and whatever comes in future.

Omkara represents both time and space. Time is actually gap between two events in the space, time is a measure of sequence of two events. Time and space are interchangeable as per the ‘Theory of Relativity’ in Science. Time and Space continuum is represented by Omkara.

So, what is beyond space and time?

Beyond time and space is the pure consciousness, all that has come is from pure consciousness. So that we call as Omkara. Omkara represents the total spectrum, the pure consciousness, the energy, space and time and the timeless aspect of the creation. The Omkara represents totality. That’s why it is the highest name of Reality.

Let us chant the Shloka…

bhūtam bhavad bhaviṣyad iti sarvam auṁkāra eva

“What has become, what is becoming, what will become – verily, all this is ‘OM’.”

(Mandukya Upanishad)

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